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Open Letter to the DeKalb Bar Association

Judge Castellani Announces Decision Not to Seek Another Term

To members of the DeKalb Bar Association:

After much deliberation, I have decided not to seek another term as judge of the DeKalb Superior Court. At the end of my current term in 2010, I will have served 26 years in this position.
Let me start by thanking all of you for allowing me this opportunity. My dream since childhood has been to become a judge. The source of this inspiration was my father who escaped as a child to America from the fascists. He believed no one could have a higher calling than to protect the rights of all citizens through our system of justice, striving always to find ways to improve the process. He believed that to whom much is given, much is also expected.
There are many people who have influenced me along the way, but one stands out for special mention. My wife, Rev. Betty Castellani, has been my true beacon since we married during law school. With her help I have learned what I deem life’s most important lessons. We are here to learn, to teach and to embrace all of God’s creation. As the writers say, any errors are my own.
My decision not to seek another term does not mean I intend to “retire,” whatever that word means. This is just a time to switch gears and see what else life has to offer. Because I believe in the importance of learning and teaching, I hope to continue along that path in some way.
Let me give a special thanks to all the caring people who have contributed to the success of the DeKalb County Drug Court program. In my opinion, the rise of treatment courts demonstrates a proper way to respond to today’s challenges. I pledge to continue my involvement in our drug court so long as I am able.
My hope is that somehow we have made this world a better place by being here. As my wife’s patients say, “Carpe Diem.”    
Robert J. Castellani


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