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DeKalb Superior Judge Seeliger And Vocational Expert Silvio Reyes Address DeKalb Bar Family Section

Georgia Lordby Georgia Lord
Georgia Lord Law

DeKalb Superior Court Judge Clarence Seeliger and Certified Rehabilitation Counselor Dr. Silvio S. Reyes presented helpful information regarding the litigation use of vocational experts to those attending the October 6th, 2016, Breakfast Meeting of the DeKalb Bar Association’s Family Law Section. Dr. Reyes previously worked as a vocational expert for the Social Security Administration.

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Judge Peggy Walker Addresses DeKalb Bar Family Section


From left: Dawn de Klerk, Honorable Peggy Walker, Charlie Bailey, Alice Limehouse

Judge Peggy Walker of the Douglas County Juvenile Court, spoke at the September breakfast meeting of the DeKalb Bar Association Family Law Section.

Judge Walker is an alumna of Georgia State University, having earned a master’s degree in education and a juris doctorate of law. She has a seemingly boundless supply of energy and participates in a multitude of professional organizations. She is an active member of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, having served as its president-elect in 2014. In her capacity with National Council, she is serving on STRYVE (Striving to Reduce Youth Violence Everywhere) Action Council, a national effort to end youth violence. She is a graduate fellow of Zero To Three class of 2005 and was a senior fellow at Emory University in 2008, where she worked with Lila Bradley and Judge Steve Franzen on a manual for judges and practitioners to promote preservation of families. She helped secure federal grants and monies from the State and county government to fund a family drug treatment program. She is a member of the National Alliance on Mental Illness and is active with NAMI’s Family to Family educational program for family, significant others, and friends of people living with mental illness.

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Family Law Section CLE Program Praised


On Sept. 8, the DeKalb Bar Association Family Law Section presented its Second Annual CLE on Advanced Custody Litigation. Held at the State Bar headquarters in downtown Atlanta, the program was well attended and well received. Many attendees praised the selection of topics and the quality of the presentations. Several even said the program was one of the best CLEs they had ever attended. Others noted that the interdisciplinary mix of speakers and attendees made the discussion very rich.

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June Meeting of DeKalb Bar Family Section Featured Elections and Sponsor Presentations


Georgia Lordby Georgia Lord
Georgia Lord Law

On June 2, the DeKalb Bar Association Family Law Section elected its slate of officers for 2016-17. Alice Limehouse will serve as the section’s chair; Dawn de Klerk as vice-chair; Justin Hayes as secretary; Charlie Bailey as treasurer; and Kyla Lines as past chair. The at-large board members elected were Aisha Blanchard Collins, Amy Daldry, and Georgia Lord. At the June 2 meeting, the section presented outgoing Chair Kyla Lines with a plaque in recognition of her excellent service.

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Mark Your Calendar for These Upcoming Family Law Section Events!

Georgia Lordby Georgia Lord
Georgia Lord Law

After a summer hiatus for the DeKalb Bar Association Family Section’s first Thursday of the month breakfast meetings, the section kicks off a new year of programs in September. The first breakfast program was Sept. 1. The section’s very popular CLE program on advanced custody litigation returns on Sept. 8, with a new line-up of topics and speakers. In addition, the section plans to hold a series of gatherings for family lawyers and family therapists that will begin in the fall.

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