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Judge Coursey Speaks at May Family Law Section Breakfast

The Family Law Section of the DeKalb Bar Association welcomed the Honorable Daniel M. Coursey, Jr., as its speaker for the May breakfast meeting. Judge Coursey began by observing that he has weathered a lot of family law changes in his more than 28 years on the DeKalb Superior Court bench. By way of illustration, he pointed to the recent parenting plan and child support statutory revisions with their concomitant increase in paperwork. But Judge Coursey emphasized that attorneys need not submit all documentation relating to these matters separately: Where an attorney might submit five separate orders, for example, the judge instructed that condensing them into fewer documents is permissible and judicious.

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FLS Breakfast Meetings: Judges Applaud Family Law Section Bridge between Bench and Bar

Recaps of the March and April breakfast meetings.

DeKalb Superior Court Judge  Cynthia J. Becker

DeKalb Superior Court Judge Cynthia J. Becker

“Hallelujah!” Chief Judge Cynthia J. Becker exclaimed in reference to the formation of the Family Law Section of the DeKalb County Bar Association while recently addressing the section at the monthly breakfast. Her enthusiasm is shared by others on the Bench, including Judge Gregory A. Adams, who also recently spoke to the section. Since its formation less than a year ago, the section has realized its goal of providing a bridge between the Bench and the Bar in DeKalb, thanks in great part to the enthusiasm and support of the chief judge and the other nine superior court judges.

In his breakfast address in March, Judge Adams emphasized the Bench – particularly Division 5 – and the Bar working together to improve the services his division delivers. He welcomed input from the Bar and provided practice tips to assist in more effectively representing clients in Division 5. His main practice point: Be On Time. He starts his calendar on time and expects lawyers to be on time. He observed that he has always been conscious of time allotments, both as a public servant in practice (he was a state prosecutor before joining the Bench) and now as a judge. He emphasized his respect for the time of lawyers, clients and witnesses and his desire for efficient resolution of cases, but that efficiency requires lawyers to be honest about time announcements and prepared by pre-marking exhibits and submitting proposed orders in paper and electronic forms, as examples.

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Scene at the March FLS Breakfast

The March Family Law Section Breakfast was held at its customary location, the Harrison Room on the second floor of the Old DeKalb County Courthouse. Our guest speaker, the Honorable Gregory Adams from DeKalb Superior Court, was enthusiastically received by…

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FLS February Breakfast: Judge Hancock
Speaks on Dignity and Respect in Family Law Advocacy

Judge Michael Hancock’s words of wisdom (or “sermonette” as he called it) at the Family Law Section’s February breakfast provided insight into his courtroom, and not just for family law practitioners. Concentrating on professionalism, Judge Hancock expressed remorse for increasing instances of disrespect among attorneys, especially in the family law arena.

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Judge Seeliger Featured at Family Law Breakfast

by M. Debra Gold

Returning to his first courtroom as a sitting judge for the State Court of DeKalb County, The Honorable Clarence F. Seeliger addressed the December breakfast of the DeKalb Bar Family Law Section in what is now the Harrison Room of the Old Decatur Courthouse. He riveted the attendees with a fascinating history of his road to becoming a 24-year veteran of the DeKalb Superior Court bench.

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November Family Law Breakfast Features the Hon. Linda W. Hunter

By M. Debra Gold

The DeKalb Bar Family Law Section welcomed the Honorable Linda W. Hunter as its November breakfast speaker. The judge began with a tongue-in-cheek threat that if she could get the same kind of lawyer turnout for her calendar calls as the section does for its 7:30 breakfast, she would consider holding calendar calls at an earlier hour. She continued to keep the crowd chuckling and laughing as she discussed some pointers for practicing in Division 8.

Judge Hunter first discussed the county’s caseload and attempts to keep cases moving. She projected that 3,000 divorces will have been filed in DeKalb County in 2009, which does not include modification or contempt actions, or the projected 2,500 Department of Human Resources child support cases. She lamented that efficiently managing these and the other civil and criminal cases assigned to each of the 10 DeKalb County divisions is difficult, in part because the county budget no longer supports the use of senior judges to assist in the workload. Despite the caseload, however, the judge reiterated that she strives to quickly move and close cases in her division.

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