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Writers, Columnists and Bloggers: Deadline Is August 15

by Cindy Harris
Executive Director, DeKalb Bar Association

Got something to say about the law? Interesting new cases? Insights to share about your area of legal specialization? Awards and accolades? Tips and information that will benefit your customers within the legal profession? Want to write for this newsblog but need a little help with topics? Give us a shout!

The deadline for the next newsblog is August 15. We encourage you to grab this opportunity to publish your stories, news and announcements that you would like to share with your fellow Bar members.

In addition to supporting the DeKalb Bar membership, this is your golden opportunity to reap the benefits of search engine optimization because we provide an “inbound” link to your website associated with your keyword-laden article about your area of expertise. The same thing can apply to those of you who participate as commenters to the articles we publish.

Watch for the DeKalb Bar News when it returns in September with new officers, news and updates for 2016-2017.

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