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FLS Breakfast Is Sept. 4, RSVP by Noon on Sept. 2

Family Law Section members (and other interested parties) won’t want to miss the September breakfast meeting.  The topic is “Advice from the Staff Attorneys,” with insights and tips on pet peeves, how to navigate the divisions, and practical ideas for making your case go as smoothly as possible.

Please bring art supplies, children’s books, children’s snacks, fruit juice boxes or just the extra change in your pockets to benefit Nia’s Place, a supervised visitation and exchange center that the DeKalb Bar FLS supports.

RSVP before Noon on Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2014 to receive the discounted FLS member rate of $15.  All RSVPs received after that will be $20. RSVP  online here.

The Family Law Section Breakfast is held on the first Tuesday of each month, 7:30-9 am at the historic Old Courthouse on the square in downtown Decatur, 101 E. Court Square. Join us for for a delicious buffet breakfast and a changing lineup of guest speakers who provide insights and new information about family law.

For more information . . .
If you practice family law in DeKalb County we encourage you to visit the Family Law Section page on the DeKalb Bar website where you will find valuable information regarding each DeKalb County judge’s preferences for a variety of calendaring and procedural issues.


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