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From the DBA President: Happy Holidays!

crumrineby Rebecca Crumrine
President, DeKalb Bar Association

This past Thanksgiving was a time for thankful reflection and happiness for my family and I hope it was the same for your family. This year I am especially grateful for the amazing professionals who surround us in DeKalb. Our bar is truly a special, inspiring group of people that care about our community. I hope that many of you join us this Thursday, Dec. 12, at The Solarium for our annual holiday party so we can express our gratitude to each other in person. Remember to bring sleepwear sets (size 12 months-14, and women small-extra large) and/or a book to support the Samuel L. Jones Boys and Girls Club!

Wishing you and yours peace, joy, hope and happiness this holiday season and into the new year!


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