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From the DBA President: Be Brief!

Scott Bonder, DPA Presidentby Scott Bonder
President, DeKalb Bar Association

“Be brief! Why, because you are f%$&ing it up!”
Irving Younger, The Ten Commandments of Cross Examination, Video of Presentation at UC Hastings, School of Law,

I submit to you that truer words have never been spoken. But, they need not be limited to cross examination. This commandment should govern all aspects of an attorney’s practice.

Be brief in your arguments. Longer is not better. Just because the judge is polite enough to let you keep speaking does not indicate that it is wise.

Be brief in your writings. A twenty five page limit is not an invitation to use all twenty five pages.

Be brief in your emails exchanges. Email is to life what cross examination is to trial. Kind of fun, easy to get excited over, and you will always go just one too far.

Be brief in your client meetings. Clients want confident and coherent advice, not long rambling diatribes on old cases.

Be brief in your practice. A well balance work and home life is an essential ingredient to a well-rounded and competent lawyer.

And perhaps most importantly, when in a position that requires speeches or articles, be brief because nobody really wants to hear or read you drone on anyway.

I look forward to a good year and will do my best for the DeKalb Bar Association.

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