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Litigator’s Playbook:
Making Use of the Internet

by Jeri Kagel, M.Ed., J.D.
Trial Synergy, LLC

The word “network” is defined as an “interconnected system” – a “lace” or “grid.” It used to be that when people talked about “networking” they meant a gathering of people – to get jobs, to offer referrals or to share ideas about certain topics or areas of interest common to a certain group of people.

Today, “networking” is primarily seen as an activity that occurs on the Internet. While there continue to remain ways to meet and greet in our actual lives, more and more is happening online.

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Litigator’s Playbook:
As We End One Year and Begin Another!

by Jeri Kagel, M.Ed., J.D.
Trial Synergy, LLC

Now is the time of year when those involved with civil litigation typically do – or want to – slow down. Plaintiffs want to settle so they can pay for holiday presents, lower their credit card payments, or have some money with which to begin the new year. Defendants want to close their books, decrease their financial liabilities, and get a handle on potential legal costs going into the new year. These are reasons enough for plaintiffs and defendants to work toward settlement in this season of giving and receiving.

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The Litigator’s Playbook: Backing into Voir Dire

by Jeri Kagel
Trial Synergy LLC

At trial a party in a civil case must do two things with regard to liability:

  1. Counter what the other side is saying or implying about its behavior and decisions; and
  2. Affirmatively educate the jury from its own perspective about why it did what it did or did not do.

As litigators, countering allegations and affirmatively telling our stories begins during voir dire, unfolds during opening, and is reinforced through witnesses as each tells his or her piece of the story.

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The Litigator’s Playbook:
Practice Makes Perfect!

by Jeri Kagel, M.Ed., J.D.

We have all heard the expression, “practice makes perfect.” Our parents and teachers told us to study for tests; we practice with our team to prepare for a game; we rehearse songs in our church choir; we cook a new dish for ourselves first before serving it to guests; and as children, many of us practiced playing our obligatory piano or violin or flute pieces in anticipation of our teachers hearing our pieces.

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Litigator’s Playbook:
Blagojevich Verdict Offers Many Questions to Consider

by Jeri Kagel, M.Ed., J.D.

Hello all, and welcome back to our DeKalb County Bar Association online newsletter!

Over the course of my 15 years of trial consulting, litigators and other lawyers have sought my assistance in helping them resolve a variety of issues and difficulties relating to their law practices. The Litigator’s Playbook is designed to bring you some of the solutions, suggestions and ideas that evolved from my work with these attorneys.

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The Litigator’s Playbook:
Minding Your Manners/Engaging Your Jury

Jeri Kagel continues her advice on “good manners” during voir dire from our last issue.

The purpose here is to help you achieve your goals during voir dire: to learn about your potential jurors and uncover any biases and attitudes they may have to your case and its characters, and to begin to educate jurors as to your point of view. But you will not be able to accomplish these goals effectively unless you can build a rapport with jurors so they begin trusting you and what you have to say.

So, how to achieve these goals?

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