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From the President: Mentors Make Transition Smoother for Young Lawyers

by Denise Warner

Community – one of the reasons why I love DeKalb County. A couple of months ago, after a civil trial calendar call, I spoke with two seasoned attorneys regarding a case. At the end of the conversation, one of them commented that one of the attorneys at the calendar call was the grandson of another attorney with whom they practiced around 30 years ago. It warmed my heart to see two attorneys reminisce about their successful careers and take pride in another generation of DeKalb County attorneys.

We are members of a profession – an occupation requiring considerable training and specialized study. As such, we have respect for the hard work and dedication it takes to succeed. Let’s not forget that once we were young attorneys who could always benefit from a mentor.

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From the President: ‘Unbundled’ Legal
Services Allow Litigants to Control Costs

by Denise Warner

DBA President Denise Warner

DBA President Denise Warner

The recession has caused many industries to become creative in ways to provide services to customers. Several years ago, the communications industry began bundling telephone, cable and Internet services to make billing and payment easier for customers. The benefit for the industry is to assure that the customer purchases more than one product.

Unbundled legal services or “limited scope representation” refers to ways in which an individual and a lawyer can determine which parts of a case make most sense for the person to do and which the lawyer should handle. These methods allow litigants to control their legal costs by performing some work themselves, but, at the same time, have the benefit of legal advice and assistance when needed.

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President’s Corner:
Disaster Recovery – Do You Have a Plan?

DBA President Denise Warner

by Denise Warner

The recent earthquake in Haiti was absolutely devastating. In an area slightly smaller than Maryland, 200,000 people are suspected dead or missing. More than 3 million citizens of Haiti, the poorest country in the western hemisphere, require basic necessities: clean water, food and medical supplies. They were not prepared for the destructive effect of a natural disaster. Are you ready?

As lawyers we are known for giving advice that helps clients plan, but when it comes to planning for a disaster and recovery, we need to take our own advice and create a plan. You need to plan for how your firm will cope with natural or man-made disasters ranging from fires and floods to terrorist attacks, hurricanes, chemical explosions, or blizzards.

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From the DeKalb Bar President:
Don’t Just Make Those Resolutions – Make Them Work!

by Denise Warner

DBA President Denise Warner

DBA President Denise Warner

Every New Year’s Day, millions of people resolve to make changes in their lives. Resolutions are testaments to improving our minds, bodies and souls. How many of us have pledged to stop procrastinating, start exercising, and be a nicer person this year? The promise may last one week or for the rest of your life. The important part is that you are moving forward.

In law school our professors did a great job in teaching us the federal rules of evidence and civil procedure (minimum contacts and International Shoe, anyone?). What law school did not teach us is that there is a business side of maintaining a successful law practice. A zealous attorney takes pride in reassessing his or her practice in order to provide quality legal representation.

I am no expert in practice or time management; however, I am a pretty good researcher. The American Bar Association and the State Bar of Georgia have fantastic resources to assist you in your quest to improve your law practice.

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FROM THE DEKALB BAR PRESIDENT: Securing the Blessings of Liberty in an Adverse Economy

by Denise Warner

DBA President Denise Warner

DBA PresidentDenise Warner

The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States is a powerful testament to the framers’ intent to create a happy, healthy and productive nation.

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this CONSTITUTION for the United States of America.”

The recession has hit the legal profession in unprecedented proportions. I bet the framers of the Constitution did not contemplate to “secure the Blessings of Liberty” only if there is enough money in the budget.

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From the DeKalb Bar President: Count Your Blessings and Consider Pro Bono

Denise Warner

Denise Warner

by Denise Warner

Thanksgiving means many different things to many people. First and foremost, it is a time to reflect on the many blessings of life. It is also a time to travel to visit family and friends (remember catching up on laundry when you were a student?). Let’s not forget turkey, cranberry dressing, and football (Go, Patriots!).

Thanksgiving is also a time for lawyers to reflect on their practice. How many times have you complained that a client did not pay for your services – once, twice, 50 times? Regardless of the number, after years of practicing law, you are still practicing law. I bet you the turkey drumstick that you are still practicing law because you love the pride in advocating for your client and upholding the U.S. Constitution. We have a moral and legal responsibility to make sure that people who are less fortunate can benefit from our passion for the practice of law.

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From the DeKalb Bar President: Flood of 2009 – Facing the Consequences


Denise Warner

Denise Warner

By Denise Warner

Sept. 21, 2009, was a day that we will not soon forget. As the rain poured, I prayed that my gutters would not fall and that only a little water would seep through my garage door. I never in a million years thought that my basement would flood, water would destroy family heirlooms, and my computer would be ruined.

For years, I’ve lived by this quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely.”

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