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2010 Member Survey: The Results Are In!

We have tabulated the results of our annual member survey. We received 93 responses to our questions.

1. The DeKalb Bar has replaced two of our monthly luncheon meetings this year (October and February) with other events such as breakfast meetings, CLEs, panel discussions, community outreaches, etc.

Not at all satisfied 9.7%
Satisfied 68.8%
Extremely Satisfied 21.5%

2. How would you feel if the board decided to continue with these changes in the years to come?
Not at all satisfied 11.8%
Satisfied 68.8%
Extremely Satisfied 19.4%

3. Please rate your satisfaction with the new DBA newsblog publication (
Not at all satisfied 9.7%
Satisfied 63.4%
Extremely Satisfied 26.9%

4. Are you satisfied with the CLE offered to members?
Not at all satisfied 11.8%
Satisfied 74.2%
Extremely Satisfied 14.0%

5. Are you satisfied with other events offered?
Not at all satisfied 3.2%
Satisfied 77.4%
Extremely Satisfied 19.4%

6. The DBA is considering “going green.” How would you feel if further dues notices, sponsorship requests, and event invitations were sent to you in an on-line format with the option to pay any register/attendee fee on-line or simply mail a check?
Agree 91.4%
Disagree 8.6%

7. Overall, how satisfied are you with the DeKalb Bar Association?
Not at all satisfied 3.2%
Satisfied 58.1%
Extremely Satisfied 38.7%


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